Audio Files

The Audio Files tab provides file management for the audio files stored on the Core. The files are used for the Audio Player, and the Public Address system's Messages and Preambles. The Audio Files tab is accessed from within Q-SYS Administrator. Audio Files can only be accessed through a design running on a Core.

When you click the Audio Files tab, you are presented with three directories: Audio, Messages, and Preambles. Double clicking a directory opens that directory.

In addition the space available for file storage displays at the top right of the Administrator, and a Playlists pane displays on the right side

The Audio Player and PA Router use audio files meeting the following requirements:

IMPORTANT:   When you make any changes in the Administrator, you must Update the Administrator for the changes to take effect. After making a change in a dialog box in the Administrator, and exiting the dialog box, a red banner displays across the top of the interface with an Update button, and a Cancel button.

Security for Audio File Management

The security for Audio Files is managed at the User level in the Q-SYS Administrator. You can determine who has the ability to upload and delete files, add and delete directories. Access is controlled in the Administrator by restricting access to the Administrator, and management via external connection is controlled by restricting access to File Management Protocol. Both of these are configured in the Edit User dialog box.

Uploading Files

  1. Select one of the three directories.
  2. Click the plus sign at the top left of the Administrator to display a standard Windows Open dialog box, defaulting to the "My Music" directory.
  3. Select files from the My Music directory, or navigate to another directory to select the files. You can select one or more files (Shift+click for a contiguous list of files, or Ctrl+click for one file at a time) to upload to the Core.
  4. After selecting the files, click the Open button. The files are uploaded to the Core.

Q-SYS Administrator uses an HTTP-based audio file management command set in support of external control systems (such as messaging products) for uploading and deleting audio files. This command set supports Unicode characters.

Listening to a File

After you have uploaded audio files you can listen to the files using your PC's sound card.

  1. Go to any subdirectory containing audio files.
  2. Click the arrow (play button) to the right of the filename. The arrow changes to a red square (stop button), and the file begins to play.
  3. Click the stop button to end playback.

In addition to playing the files from the Audio Files directories, you can access an audio file when it is associated with a paging Command.

Deleting Files

Select the file you wish to delete, and press the Delete key, or right-click the file and select Delete from the menu.


Playlists are used with the Audio Player in Q-SYS Designer. You can create a list of files and play them in the order in which you added them, or they can be shuffled. Files in a list can be selected from any directory available through the Q-SYS Administrator > Audio Files.

NOTE:  UTF-8 (UCS Transformation Format — 8-bit) can be used for playlists. UTF-8 provides for Chinese and other non-ASCII characters.

To Create a Playlist:

  1. Open the Q-SYS Administrator, then select the Audio Files tab.
  2. Select one of the three standard directories: Audio, Messages, or Preambles.
  3. In the right-side pane click the + button next to the Playlists title. A blank field drops down below the + button. You can also create a playlist by simply dragging a file into a blank area in the Playlists pane, then rename the playlist as needed.
  4. Type the name of the new playlist. The playlist displays in the right-side pane. You can rename the playlist after you create it by clicking the name twice.
  5. Select and drag one of the available audio files onto the new playlist name. The file name is listed under the playlist name.
  6. Continue dragging files into the list as desired. You can add files to the playlist from other directories.
  7. After adding the audio files, you can re-order them by clicking and dragging the file to the new location in the play list. You cannot drag files from one Playlist to another.
  8. You can delete a file from a playlist, or the entire playlist by selecting the file or playlist and pressing the Delete button.

Add a New Directory

NOTE:  You must have valid audio files in a directory to see that directory from a Command, or from the Audio Player.

  1. Select one of the three default directories.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the right pane.
  3. Select New Directory . A directory named "New Directory" is created.
  4. Click the New Directory twice to edit the name.
  5. Double-click the new directory to open it.
  6. Add files as necessary.

Delete a Directory

Select the directory, and press the Delete key or, right-click the directory and select Delete from the menu.

Deleting a directory deletes all the files in that directory. You cannot delete or rename any of the three default directories.


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